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A simple library for merging multiple calendars into one. It also allows anonymization of the events, so nobody will be able to see the summary of the event.

What this solves: You have multiple calendars, and you want to share availability in ical format with some other people. This tool takes your private calendars (in ical format), merges them, optionally anonymize them and creates new ical calendar with the correct availability data.

This project is a minimal library but can be very easily used as an API for example:

import datetime
from fastapi import FastAPI, Response
from camerge import merge_calendars

app = FastAPI()

async def calendar():
    This method generates ical data for any calendar app.
    ical = merge_calendars(
        calendar_name='My Availability',
            # take this google ical stream and anonymize events (no event names shown)
            ("", True),
            # take this event stream and do not anonymize event summary
            ("", False),
        # take event availability from these email addresses, these should be your own
        # email addresses associated with the calendar accounts
            '', ''
        # do not include events that are older than this, 1, 1)
    return Response(content=ical, media_type='text/calendar')


This project is based on icalendar.